Reduce costs and improve performance

Our call logging and reporting software provides detailed analytics into the productivity of your business through giving an insight into how many calls are being made, when is your busiest and quietest periods, and how much your calls cost.

It can also focus on where calls are coming from and going, to who is making the calls – giving an informed understanding into your call flow and which areas could be improved.

How can call logging and reporting help my business?

• Reduce costs – up to 15% reduction in call costs whilst using the data to boost staff efficiency in time management on unnecessary or long duration calls.

• Retain customers – customers are impressed with having their calls answered quickly and effectively.

• Increase sales – using the wallboard display can motivate staff to hit visible targets in telesales campaigns.

• Improve performance – management are able to analyse staff telephone usage and work to improve their telephone and telesales techniques.

• Detect fraud – gives monument the tools to quickly identify telephone fraud and avoid large bills.

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The call logging and reporting system converts the data into a series of comprehensive reports which can be displayed on a wallboard screen to motivate the workforce into increasing their productivity.

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